Milk frothers are fantastic for lending your morning cup of java a barista-made feel. And the Nespresso Aeroccino is one of the best out there for its ease of use and stylish exterior that would look swanky on even the messiest kitchen counter. Simply add milk to the canister and at the push of a button you’ll have a super-frothy topper to pour onto a full-bodied cappuccino or a lighter foam to lend a flat white a creamier mouthfeel. In fact, you can use a Nespresso Aeroccino to whip up cold foams for mochaccinos, frappes, and other cold brews too, making it a versatile piece of kitchen equipment for anyone who loves a well-crafted beverage. The only thing you need to be mindful of is the type of milk that should never be frothed inside the canister. Anything pre-sweetened with sugar, whether it be regular milk or a plant-based alternative, is a no-no.
Your choice of milk could impair your Nespresso Aeroccino because the sugar inside these beverages can caramelize as the base heats up and the whisk at the bottom of the canister rotates, causing a burning smell. For the same reason, you should avoid adding honey, powdered sweeteners, or flavored coffee syrups to your milk before frothing it. The good news is that you can safely use any variety of unsweetened dairy milk in your Aeroccino frother as well as sugar-free substitutes, such as oat, almond, or soy milk.
Add your sweetener after frothing
If you want to create a sweeter froth for your coffee, you’d be better off gently stirring it through after your foam is ready; decant it into a small vessel and add your sweetener of choice, taking care not to beat out all of that precious air that’s been whipped into the milk. Alternatively, add a dash more sugar to your coffee before pouring the dreamy foam on top of your latte or ultimate hot chocolate. This technique ensures the foam remains as light and frothy as possible.
If you’ve accidentally put a sweetened beverage in your machine, clean it immediately to remove any residues on the surface. The Nespresso website states that “the burn mark that sometimes appears at the bottom of the milk frother, are milk proteins that are collected on top of the heating element and burned. With careful cleaning after each use, this is prevented.”
Clean your Nespresso Aeroccino by rinsing it in cold water and wiping the inside with a soft sponge or cloth every time you use it. Also take care to unclip the whisk from the base and clean that too to guarantee your machine stays in tip top condition. As always, make sure your frother is switched off and completely cool before rinsing it.